Hints - SaltaCol

Play this great game!

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To skip to a level

Click "Acceso a FASES superiores," click the *, type the password, and click "comprobar."

Password to skip to level 2: tichy19280
Password to skip to level 3: neleb22767
Password to skip to level 4: venus19815
Password to skip to level 5: trurl33331

General instructions

  • Goal of each level:

    Find and flip the switch to open the porthole. Get the snail into the porthole.

  • To make the snail jump:

    Click-drag away from the snail and release.

    Learn to use the jump path: it becomes visible when you click-drag away from the snail and hold for a bit. Choose a jump path that will land the snail as gently as possible on the target surface.

  • To restart a level after the snail dies:

    Click the snail.

Level 1 -- intro

To get to the switch, go a little to the right, then up over to the left to fall onto the switch.

Level 2 -- orange, spots, white spikes

The switch is up to the left. You can jump up to it left and right, one level at a time.

Travel across the top to the porthole.

Level 3 -- water

A key puzzle in this level is finding the switch. If you really need a hint, see itemx at the bottom of this page.

Another key puzzle is figuring out how to get to the porthole (which is easily visible when you swim under it at the start of the level). For a hint, see itemy at the bottom of this page.

Level 4 -- fire and lasers

Level 5 -- united with its mate

Not much to this level. Just go to the mate.


itemy You will need careful, delicate aim and tremendous spring force assistance to get to the porthole from above.

itemx Not dry