A beach in Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay, California

When I saw the rock from a distance, I thought it would be fun to phoon on it and went to
check out if I could get on it. I observed that the waterline would withdraw just enough
on occasion to leave a "dry" path to the rock and shortly thereafter surround it with
water again.

I got onto the rock just fine and made my way onto a higher point that had about a 6" x 6"
area to stand on. As I posed for a couple of shots, I could tell the tide was rising.
Water was beginning to splash up around the peak on the rock, and I wasn't seeing the dry
area appearing any more. "Now or never..." I jumped into the shallow water and rejoined my
friends for a fancy meal at a nearby beach restaurant with damp shoes.

Phooner: me. Photo idea: mine.

Jul 30, 2001

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(htp) Precarious    (htp) Stumps and Bumps    Beaches and Oceans    California    Far Away
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